HR Thoughts, Trends & Tips2024-02-14T14:10:45-08:00

A Collection of HR Thoughts, Trends & Tips

Shecession Part II: Disrupting the Shecession – What can Organizations do about it?

By , |May 29, 2020|

In Part I of our Shecession blog, we laid out the facts on the ground from the latest pieces of research and statistics relating to employment and the societal impacts of the global Covid-19 pandemic on women and in particular women of color. Here we will be exploring what organizations can be doing to combat this Shecession and prevent it from disrupting the diversity, equity, and inclusion progress we have made in our 21st Century organizations? […]

1107, 2017
5 Hidden HR Risks for Biz Start-Ups

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

 “Our first calls for HR Advisory or Talent search are often prompted by growth or crisis,” reports Belinda Morris, President & Founder, Peoplescape Consulting Group. Start-up entrepreneurs are typically focused on the products and services they are excited about bringing to market, operating on the belief that great ideas are the foundation to a successful business. Real entrepreneurs are rarely deterred by grim statistics, such as Dunn and Bradstreet’s reporting that 3 out of every [...]

407, 2017
How Can Employee Surveys Help Your Business Grow?

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation, Surveys & Assessments|

Perhaps one of the most telling tools that we have in the leadership toolkit today is getting knowing our teams; understanding what makes each and every person tick and getting to know them as people. How better to do this but through the employee survey. Many employers are utilizing these as a way to determine what is important to their employees, and to implement a strategy for making changes. […]

2006, 2017
Emotional Intelligence from Outa SpaceX

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

Many hats came off to Elon Musk of SpaceX and Tesla fame last week, and he certainly scored points for high Emotional Intelligence in his recent letter to employees about safety management at Tesla. His personal letter to his staff was in response to reports of injury rates at Tesla being 30% higher than the industry averages for 2014 and 2015. The way he demonstrated what sounded like sincere concern and action-focused emphasis, highlighted a [...]

1206, 2017
How Do You Retain Top Talent in Today’s Workforce?

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation, Talent Management, Talent Search & Recruitment|

We  live in a different world from thirty years ago. Instant results, knowledge at our fingertips, and communication at the speed of light…these are all realities in 2017 – not only in our personal lives, but also in our lives at work. Customers, clients, and coworkers expect immediate responses, and we have been programmed (or in some cases re-programmed) to react accordingly. In this fast-paced, technology-driven, instantaneous world, how do business leaders retain top talent [...]

606, 2017
Flexibility, Feedback & Fun: Managing Millennials in the Workplace

By |Blogs|

In March, we blogged about mentorship and the future of work, especially as it relates to the multi-generational workforce today. Check it out here if you’d like a background to this blog: We’ve talked before about millennials and how they’re changing the face of the workplace, both in diversity and in the implementation of ideas and innovative strategies for competing in today’s ever-changing business world. Now, let’s take a deeper look at […]

2405, 2017
Open-minded Decision Making Under Pressure

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

“People Leaders’ decisions are delimited  (surrounded/demarcated, “Peoplescape’s translation”) by internal and external organizational issues; and these decisions involve intensive information sharing.” Caroline Walger, International Journal of Business and Administration Research, Vol I. Issue 17, March 2017 The bar has always been high for HR leaders when it comes to a tolerance for dynamic work environments. Unexpected employee conflicts, sudden staff departures, urgent training needs, mergers and closures, are just some of the fluctuating challenges HR [...]

1705, 2017
How You Doin’? Effective Performance Management Strategies

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation, Surveys & Assessments, Talent Management|

“Checking-in” on employees is a critical piece of the retention puzzle. Landing quality employees is a big win, bigger still is retaining them for the long haul. Good people stay when they feel themselves developing and enhancing their skillset. Updating your performance management strategies, taking time to provide feedback to employees, and making sure the process is beneficial for everyone at the table is a worthwhile venture. In the words of Joey Tribbiani, a simple [...]

1105, 2017
Spy the Lie: Deception in the Recruitment Process

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, Talent Search & Recruitment|

As recruitment and HR professionals, we are trained to spot the embellishments in a story, to zero in on the candidates whose credentials don’t quite line up, and to ask those uncomfortable questions that often lead to answers none of us are looking forward to hearing. Spotting the white lie, figuring out where the titles, responsibilities or dates have been boosted, and reading between the lines to fully understand how the career path really must have [...]

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