Hacking Trends in Creative Recruiting
The creative industry has long been thought of as “fun”; you get to work in music, entertainment, design, marketing, advertising, technology and branding to name a few. The creative space is our market and we see how our clients are innovators not just in their products but also in the way they recruit their next team member. Much like selling a product, the concept of hiring the best means they want to gain competitive edge by differentiating themselves from the outset. […]
10 Hot Tips To Impact Diversity and Innovation in Your Hiring!
I have worked on talent teams in many companies over the years and noticed that on the whole, most employees are successful and driven. Yet, the differentiator driving one company to succeed over the other is innovation. Innovation comes from diversity. Diversity is including employees with new ideas and different ways of thinking. A recent EY report confirms that diverse companies are 35% more likely to have financial returns above the national medians for their industry. […]
Here’s What Industry Insiders are Saying about Out-with-Performance-Management, In-with-Feedback-Management
As an HR professional, one gets multiple requests from salespeople of HR technology companies to choose their platform over competitors when it comes to Performance Management. Performance management is a process that provides the employee feedback and promotes their effectiveness. Michael Armstrong, in his Handbook of Performance Management, 2009 described it as “the continuous process of improving performance by setting individual and team goals which are aligned to the strategic goals of the organization, planning performance to achieve the goals, reviewing and assessing progress, and developing the knowledge, skills and abilities of people”. According to BambooHR, 70% of HR professionals [...]
Candidate Experience (CX) – Stay Focused on Empathy and Relationships
A Forbes article named 2018 as the year of employee experience, or EX: “Anything that sets employees up for success or improves our culture should be a part of EX.” Forbes. The focus on employee experience (and, as future employees, the candidate experience) is not new and has been described and analyzed by countless industry publications and thought leaders. “The longer I write about recruiting and hiring, the more I believe that the candidate experience needs to be at the heart of how every organization recruits and hires people. And the longer I write about recruiting and hiring, the more clearly [...]
What Can Fortnight Teach Us About Top Tech Talent
Earlier this year we wrote about the war for talent and the top ways to be agile in recruitment. Circling back to this topic, we’re bringing you even more insight. We reached out to our network of industry experts and asked for their thoughts on how else to come out on top. To gain perspective around this topic, Peoplescape Consulting Group gathered research and opinion from influencers in the area to enhance understanding of the status quo on finding and landing hot tech talent. […]
The Untapped Talent Pool – Neurodiversity
‘Neurodiversity’ is a relatively new term that refers to people who have dyslexia, autism, ADHD, dyspraxia and other neurological conditions. These are ‘spectrum’ conditions, with a wide range of characteristics, but which nevertheless share some common features in terms of how people learn and process information. On April 26, 2018, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new data on the prevalence of autism in the United States. The incidence of autism in the United States is now 1 in 37 among boys and 1 in 151 among girls. Many people with these disorders have higher-than-average abilities; research [...]
7 Learning & Development Strategies to Retain Rock Star Employees
Every employee can benefit from an employee development program, yet it’s easily forgotten or let slide in the pressure of everyday business. But as a business owner, you can’t afford to cut employee development from your budget Your role as a leader or influencer is to figure out what your company needs and what employees want and find a match. Take a deep look because providing those learning opportunities that speak to your audience will be the biggest predictor of money well spent. […]
What Happens When Love Blossoms at Work?
Bill and Melinda Gates have been married for 25 years and have three children. They met at work. So too did Michelle and Barak Obama when she was supervising him as one of the firm’s new summer associates, from Harvard law. Most of us spend more hours of our day at work than anywhere else, so it’s not surprising that romantic relationships develop. Namely HR Systems, found 41% of employees said they’d engaged in an intimate relationship with someone at work, whether a peer, manager or someone in the C-suite. 5% of employees said they’d had a relationship with their [...]
Never Slack on Your Office Communications
“I’m a great believer that any tool that enhances communication has profound effects in terms of how people can learn from each other.” – Bill Gates Technology tools that encourage effective communication and collaboration in the workspace also ignite employee engagement and businesses agility and the ability to scale more easily. If your team is stuck in meetings with each other all day, it’s hard to focus outward and grow your business. A service like Slack can help your team break the focus away from the everyday conversations that can take away from true productivity, and spend more time on [...]
How Agile Organizations are Thriving Along with Their Gigsters in the Gig Economy
Coming from Los Angeles, I knew people who taught barre for a couple of hours in the morning, then hiked Runyon by 11 AM, went to an audition, then drinks with friends while I was stuck in the office staring at their Instagram and their freedom. Ryan Gosling famously (and controversially) commented that nobody works in LA. That is an over-generalization, of course, as most people do have jobs and are hardworking. There are also those called “gigsters” who freelance, contract, advise, or take gigs; they are not limited to Los Angeles and in fact, makeup over 150 million workers [...]