HR Thoughts, Trends & Tips2024-02-14T14:10:45-08:00

A Collection of HR Thoughts, Trends & Tips

  • Keeping Your Talent

Keeping Your Talent: Smart Lifestyle Reward Strategies for Any Sized Company

By |August 26, 2019|

When you can only pay a low salary, how can you still recruit great talent? Start-ups, small and medium-sized firms are just some of those restricted by salary obstacles when it comes to hiring and keeping the best talent. And it’s a serious problem, as outstanding talent can make or break these companies more than any other. Here are our Sure-Fire Ways to Fight Back. […]

802, 2016
Are Performance Reviews On the Way Out?

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, Talent Management|

Performance reviews…the dreaded checkup that causes nerves and cringing everywhere! The antiquated practice of scoring and ranking employees has mostly passed to the wayside, as new tips and tricks for effective performance reviews have come to light. Some of these new techniques and tactics for performance reviews include self-evaluations, performance ratings and goals based on actual projects and past performance rather than an objective number rating system. However, some companies are choosing to do away [...]

502, 2016
Are Workplace Distractions Ruining Your Success?

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

Workplace distractions are everywhere and come in many shapes, sizes, fonts, and social media outlets. From Instagram likes and Twitter responses to texts from the babysitter, your spouse, the crazy mother-in-law, or your friend from the East Coast, there are countless ways for your employees to get off task. In an attempt to better understand these workplace distractions and the effect that they do or do not have on productivity, @BambooHR took a stab at [...]

302, 2016
How to Tackle Unproductive Employees

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

Employees are expensive. Keeping an office open on Christmas Eve when your net sales are less than $500 is not smart when you are paying over $1000 in utilities and employee salaries. So when the boss sees an employee being less than productive, dollar signs run across their mind. Then again, spending money to terminate and rehire is probably not the most cost-effective plan either. So how can you tackle the problem of unproductive employees [...]

102, 2016
What Can Recruiters Learn from the NFL?

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, Talent Search & Recruitment|

According to Chris Murphy at Glassdoor, the NFL made an estimated $12 billion, making it the top gross earning sports league in the world. One of the reasons is the way that the NFL builds up the lives of the star players, not just focusing on the sports stats but also bringing in the human aspect. Remember our blog a short time ago about personal branding and humanizing your company trademark? Here’s another layer to [...]

2701, 2016
How Can Hiring a Multi-generational Workforce Help YOU?

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

“The value of a diverse team is its capacity to challenge the norm or group think and thus boost organizational performance and improve decision-making.” Yrthya Dinzey-Flores Diversity in the workplace is a topic that has been covered in many different ways, and by now, we are all aware that this includes race, gender, religion, age, and culture. But, have we stopped to consider the effect a multi-generational (not just age but also the generation and [...]

2501, 2016
Why Your Boss Should Be On Social Media

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation, HR Technology|

Social media rules our world; let’s face it. If you aren’t on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook or at the very least, LinkedIn, then you basically don’t exist in 2015. So why is it that many C-level executives are NOT on social media? Here’s a few ideas.   They’re afraid that anything they say or do may be used against them. Smart on one hand because that’s true, but their lack of engagement on social media [...]

2201, 2016
Do You Really Need a Recruiter Anymore?

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, Talent Search & Recruitment|

Not that long ago, for critical positions, hiring managers would often reach out to recruiters to help them find those stellar candidates. Recruiters had the unique ability to find and connect with passive job candidates that would otherwise not respond to a “help wanted” advertisement. In recent years, however, with the rise of LinkedIn and other professional networking sites, employers seem to be able to reach passive candidates much easier without using a recruiter. This [...]

2001, 2016
A Personal Touch: Make Your Company Brand Human

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation, Talent Search & Recruitment|

Why do people recognize the brands in commercials featuring a happy child eating cereal or a supermodel chowing down on a messy cheeseburger? Among other reasons such as the fact that she’s a supermodel, duh, is the undeniable fact that people identify with the human quality in these ads. So how do you get your company brand to have that personal touch that is easily recognizable on social media? First, you need to humanize your [...]

1801, 2016
Speed Dating (aka Interviews) in 4 Easy Steps

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, Talent Search & Recruitment|

What selection tools do you have in place at work? Are you the hiring manager for your department? Or does the HR Department handle all phases of selection and recruitment for your organization? At Peoplescape, our consultants are HR professionals who have sat across the table on an interview panel, and have devised a strategy for hiring the best and brightest in several fields. We have found tips that make interviews more challenging, and also [...]

1501, 2016
6 Simple Steps to Painless Terminations

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

As a rule, working in HR can be a very rewarding experience filled with lots of good news, but there is one area that is markedly NOT fun – terminations. Let’s set the stage: Word has come down from the executive committee that the company is restructuring and you are going to be coordinating with the department manager for the next round of layoffs. Eeeek! To start, let’s answer one question: Should the job of [...]

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