302, 2016

How to Tackle Unproductive Employees

By |February 3, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

Employees are expensive. Keeping an office open on Christmas Eve when your net sales are less than $500 is not smart when you are paying over $1000 in utilities and employee salaries. So when the boss sees an employee being less than productive, dollar signs run across their mind. Then again, spending money to terminate and rehire is probably not the most cost-effective plan either. So how can you tackle the problem of unproductive employees in the workplace? Here are a few suggestions from our friends at @Glassdoor for Employers. 1. Don’t be his or her friend. Bosses and employees [...]

2701, 2016

How Can Hiring a Multi-generational Workforce Help YOU?

By |January 27, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

“The value of a diverse team is its capacity to challenge the norm or group think and thus boost organizational performance and improve decision-making.” Yrthya Dinzey-Flores Diversity in the workplace is a topic that has been covered in many different ways, and by now, we are all aware that this includes race, gender, religion, age, and culture. But, have we stopped to consider the effect a multi-generational (not just age but also the generation and cultural factors involved with a certain time period) workforce can have on an organization? Not only does it bring innovation and collaboration to the forefront, [...]

2501, 2016

Why Your Boss Should Be On Social Media

By |January 25, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation, HR Technology|

Social media rules our world; let’s face it. If you aren’t on Instagram or Twitter or Facebook or at the very least, LinkedIn, then you basically don’t exist in 2015. So why is it that many C-level executives are NOT on social media? Here’s a few ideas.   They’re afraid that anything they say or do may be used against them. Smart on one hand because that’s true, but their lack of engagement on social media also makes them seem less human to their employees and colleagues. Another reason may be that they simply don’t have the time. But, again, let’s [...]

2001, 2016

A Personal Touch: Make Your Company Brand Human

By |January 20, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation, Talent Search & Recruitment|

Why do people recognize the brands in commercials featuring a happy child eating cereal or a supermodel chowing down on a messy cheeseburger? Among other reasons such as the fact that she’s a supermodel, duh, is the undeniable fact that people identify with the human quality in these ads. So how do you get your company brand to have that personal touch that is easily recognizable on social media? First, you need to humanize your brand. Make sure that you use images and words that will speak to your target audience. Not sure who your target audience is? Then it’s [...]

1501, 2016

6 Simple Steps to Painless Terminations

By |January 15, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

As a rule, working in HR can be a very rewarding experience filled with lots of good news, but there is one area that is markedly NOT fun – terminations. Let’s set the stage: Word has come down from the executive committee that the company is restructuring and you are going to be coordinating with the department manager for the next round of layoffs. Eeeek! To start, let’s answer one question: Should the job of terminations be given to the managers of each department, or should HR still be the bearer of bad news? This is a topic that is [...]

1101, 2016

Don’t Tip the Scales: Creating a Work/Life Balance

By |January 11, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation, Rewards & Benefits|

It seems like an elusive idea that people work toward but very rarely ever find! Perhaps the problem is that the idea of it is so simple and people expect that having it will be just as simple. In reality, work/life balance is something that must be worked at continuously. Just because you have it one week doesn’t mean it is going to be there next week! So how do we take steps to start balancing our time better? First, define what that balance looks like. This is going to be different for every person. If you have a target [...]

801, 2016

Why Millennials Leave

By |January 8, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation, Talent Management|

We Won't Pay For Your Lexus, Boss Man! We have written about millennials several times, and there’s a reason for that. We promise. Not only do some of us here at Peoplescape identify with the millennial label, we have been subject to the stereotypes placed on our colleagues (and at times ourselves). You know the ones: Millennials are fickle, they never settle in one place, they’re selfish, and they don’t care about the companies that they work for – always in search of the next big thing. While these stereotypes may be true of SOME millennials, they can also be applied to baby boomers and Generation [...]

601, 2016

When Employees Don’t Show Up

By |January 6, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

Terminating an employee is always a tricky topic to navigate. No matter the size of your organization, letting employees go is something to be dealt with very carefully as we’ve discussed in previous blog posts. This time, let’s focus on if/when/how you are legally allowed to terminate an employee who is out on leave. What should you do when employees don't show up? #terminations #FMLA It is never legal to fire an employee simply because he or she took Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) time off. But, if an employee is out on FMLA and has committed one of these offenses, the U.S. Court of Appeals [...]

401, 2016

Shiny New Toys: Attracting Your Next Millennial Stars

By |January 4, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation, HR Technology, Rewards & Benefits, Talent Search & Recruitment|

Like moths to the flame, millennials are attracted to shiny new objects. Right? Isn’t that the perception for our younger generation in today’s workplace? But shockingly, the one thing that attracts millennials to your organization more than a new cell phone, a company car or the latest in Apple technology on their desktop, is something that used to be much more prevalent. It has since fallen to the wayside as priorities seem to have shifted for many companies, and budgets become more constrained for those “extra benefits” that used to be more present. What is it that millennials are searching for in their next company? Are [...]

101, 2016

Resolutions: What Is Showcased, is Achieved

By |January 1, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

As we excitedly embark on 2016, many people make resolutions in their personal life. Whether its to finally start eating healthy, stick to that workout routine, or manage your budget better, one place people don’t always think about making resolutions for is the workplace. Just like in your personal life, there are always areas to improve in your professional career and your workplace as a whole.  Here are a few suggestions to spark your resolution creativity! That project that always get pushed down the list Maybe you’ve been vowing to overhaul your performance appraisal system or employee engagement survey. Make [...]

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