HR Thoughts, Trends & Tips2024-02-14T14:10:45-08:00

A Collection of HR Thoughts, Trends & Tips

  • Getting your "Agile-on"

#1 Getting your “Agile Culture on” Defining how to engage employees and enable human factors for success in 2019

By |March 14, 2019|

The “Agile Culture” or “Agile Organization” has been the buzz word for a while now. It started with product development and progressed to an organization style. But are organizations ready? Do we even know what it requires? In an Agile culture, we shift the focus from the process to the outcome. The main question to answer, at each point, is “What does the customer want?” This model essentially empowers teams to do what it takes to succeed: a.k.a understand and fulfil the customers’ needs. […]

1209, 2015

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

“Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.” – Steve Maraboli Resilience is the ability of people to cope with stress and hard times, and then bounce back quickly.  When you think of the word “resilient” do certain faces come to mind? What trials have those people been through, only to end up more successful in the long run? Not only do they survive, they do it with a smile [...]

1009, 2015
Emotional Intelligence and New Hires

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, Surveys & Assessments, Talent Search & Recruitment|

Personality tests and skills-based competencies have been a part of recruiting and hiring decisions for quite some time now, but are you considering the Emotional Intelligence (EI) of your potential hires? According to Bamboo HR, 1 in 3 HR Managers are placing increased importance on EI in their hiring decisions. Is your organization part of that 1 in 3? I know you’re probably thinking… [tweetthis]Emotional Intelligence – What is it and why does it matter?[/tweetthis] [...]

809, 2015
Case Study: Employee Surveys and Focus Groups

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, Surveys & Assessments|

Employee “caretaking” is a crucial, though often overlooked aspect of personnel management. At Peoplescape, we are always “team employer” but we also know that having compassion and a strong desire for employees to succeed is a core value in most successful organizations.  Employees who work efficiently, have opportunity for growth and feel they are treated fairly are the strongest assets to the employer, and our goal is to partner with our business clients to ensure [...]

309, 2015
Latest Trends in Telecommuting

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation, HR Technology, Rewards & Benefits|

As you can see, many of our posts revolve around social media and digital natives and technology. Why is this the case? Well, to be honest, technology is what makes the world go ‘round in the 21st century. So in order to stay present and relevant in our world, human resources professionals must adopt these strategies and skills in order to successfully provide services to our clients and ensure that our presence in the industry [...]

3108, 2015
Don’t Pick on the Pregnant Lady!

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

Very recently in the news, Los Angeles based clothing retailer, Nasty Gal, felt the heat as discrimination claims and a lawsuit hit them head on. The founder of Nasty Gal, Sophia Amoruso, has been recognized as a leader in business and a great example for women everywhere of strong entrepreneurial skills and a drive to succeed. She turned a hobby of selling clothes on eBay into a lucrative business turning a profit of $100 million [...]

2708, 2015
Following Your Instincts – What Do They Know Anyway?

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

Intuition is basically the human brain’s way of arriving at decisions and conclusions via shortcut. Do you remember how your dad always had a shortcut to get somewhere (which may have seemed longer to you, but always worked out to be more efficient at the end of the day?) and you didn’t always understand why or how  he came to that shortcut? Well, our intuition works in much the same fashion. When her child is [...]

2008, 2015
Dumbing Down EEOC Guidelines

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

Who understands the legal jargon issued by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission pertaining to pregnancy, disability, equality, and diversity? Lawyers, that’s who! So here’s a little breakdown for the “normal” people who actually have to abide by these rules and regulations. When it comes to pregnancy disability leave, the EEOC has issued guidance twice in 2015. It all boils down to this, “If an employee has a pregnancy-related impairment that hinders her ability to perform [...]

1708, 2015
Taking Stock & Shaking Up Those “Bored At Work” Employees!

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation, Talent Management|

[tweetthis]“Work is making a living out of being bored.” – Karl Lagerfeld[/tweetthis] How true is this statement for you? How about for your co-workers? What can managers do to shift this feeling of work being something you HAVE to do rather than something that you can ENJOY doing? Taking stock and shaking things up is easier said than done, and changing the way we think about things is much more difficult than changing our actions. On a recent episode [...]

1308, 2015
Digital Native vs. Digital Legacy: They are no immigrants!

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

After my initial Digital Natives blog, I got a lot of feedback from friends and family and readers about the term and who falls under which heading! (Thanks for reading!!) My favorite piece of feedback came from my cousin who wasn’t a big fan of the term Digital Immigrant – which is the official term for those who don’t fall under the ‘digital native’ heading. Defining himself as a Digital Legacy, I started to really break down the meaning of [...]

1108, 2015
Social Media in the Workplace: Who’s Using It?

By |Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Technology|

With all of this talk of digital natives and digital legacies, let’s take a look now at who is actually using social media in the workplace. [tweetthis]Like it or not, your employees are checking Facebook at work.[/tweetthis] They may even be taking photos and posting to Instagram of that awesome potluck the CEO threw for the entire administrative team last week. #yummy! #thanksboss! But what does social media really mean for your business? Are you utilizing the tools of [...]

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