1308, 2015

Digital Native vs. Digital Legacy: They are no immigrants!

By |August 13, 2015|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

After my initial Digital Natives blog, I got a lot of feedback from friends and family and readers about the term and who falls under which heading! (Thanks for reading!!) My favorite piece of feedback came from my cousin who wasn’t a big fan of the term Digital Immigrant – which is the official term for those who don’t fall under the ‘digital native’ heading. Defining himself as a Digital Legacy, I started to really break down the meaning of that phrase and why it may be a better indication of the skillset he represents. [tweetthis]Why you may want to add Digital Legacies to your job descriptions.[/tweetthis] [...]

1108, 2015

Social Media in the Workplace: Who’s Using It?

By |August 11, 2015|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Technology|

With all of this talk of digital natives and digital legacies, let’s take a look now at who is actually using social media in the workplace. [tweetthis]Like it or not, your employees are checking Facebook at work.[/tweetthis] They may even be taking photos and posting to Instagram of that awesome potluck the CEO threw for the entire administrative team last week. #yummy! #thanksboss! But what does social media really mean for your business? Are you utilizing the tools of social media to change the face of your company? Is your newsletter changing with the times, or is it still a 3-sided page that gets mailed [...]

3007, 2015

7 Things Great Employers Do

By |July 30, 2015|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation, Rewards & Benefits, Talent Management|

How do you get your workforce engaged in the work they are doing? This is a question that comes up quite a bit, as employers are attempting to get their employees involved, productive, and enthusiastic about their work. There are 7 things great employers do that creates a “feel good” approach to getting your employees engaged and creating a work culture that others will envy! [tweetthis]There are 7 things great employers do that creates a work culture others will envy![/tweetthis] 1. Start with your leaders – Choose involved, creative leaders who want to make a difference and get others excited [...]

2707, 2015

Call Me Cait: Examining Diversity in the Workplace

By |July 27, 2015|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

If you haven’t heard of Caitlyn Jenner, I’d like to know where you’ve been hiding so I can join you! With the premiere of the new TV show Call Me Cait just around the corner on the E! network, and the much publicized news of Caitlyn Jenner’s entrance into the world exploding all over social media, it’s nearly impossible to avoid the prevalence of transgender issues in the world. Of course, from my perspective, this easily translates into a question of how transgender and diversity issues play out in the workplace as well. Preventing harassment in the workplace is a [...]

2307, 2015

Take Me To Church….Just Not While I’m At Work

By |July 23, 2015|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

In June 2015, the Supreme Court issued a decision that will forever change the face of religious discrimination in the workplace. In EEOC vs. Abercrombie & Fitch Stores, Inc., the court ruled that an employer cannot make employment decisions based on a candidate’s religious practices. In this particular case, Abercrombie did not hire a job applicant because she wore a hijab, or head scarf, which went against the company’s “Looks” policy forbidding “caps” from being worn on the head. During the interview, the candidate made no mention of her religious views, but did wear the black hijab during her interview. [...]

2007, 2015

What’s Your Status? Facebook Branding in the 21st Century

By |July 20, 2015|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Technology|

“People spend money when and where they feel good.” – Walt Disney As a master of invoking emotion in the hearts and minds of children everywhere, Disney was able to sell a brand worldwide that still brings in millions of dollars every year, decades later. When a product speaks to a person, that person feels something – and is able to justify spending money on something that is important to him or her. In this same token, products on Facebook are using emotional responses to create a recognizable brand. Using videos, catchy lines, and triggering feelings in individuals viewing their [...]

1607, 2015

Who are You? How To Understand Personality in the Workplace

By |July 16, 2015|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation, Surveys & Assessments|

[tweetthis]“We don’t see things as they are, we see them as we are.” –Anais Nin #Personality[/tweetthis] Truer words have never been spoken, and whether you realize it or not, you’ve heard this exact same thing many times (just in different words). From the glass half-empty versus the glass half-full debate to the awkward photos of the blue/black vs. white/gold dress circling social media in the spring of 2015, the manner in which we see the world is shaped by who we are. The same can be said for any professional organization – the employees working in a department will shape [...]

1307, 2015

“Under new management” – A tragedy or a seamless transition?

By |July 13, 2015|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

It’s happened to all of us, you go to your favorite restaurant or neighborhood hangout and there’s a banner outside “under new management” or “under new ownership.” Depending on your personal experiences and what you’ve heard from friends, neighbors and relatives, this could be a blessing or terrifying change. Imagine how a business transition like this felt or looked for the employees of the establishment? [tweetthis]How business transitions are handled can make all the difference to employees.[/tweetthis] As an HR professional, I’ve assisted with changes both in ownership and management. I must say that the way business transitions like this are handled can make all the difference to the [...]

1007, 2015

I Quit! Did You See It Coming?

By |July 10, 2015|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation, Talent Management|

Almost every HR professional has at least one story of a "creative" employee resignation. From an employee saying they're going to lunch and never returning, to an employee bringing a Marching Band into the office to play him out, some of the stories sound like a scene out of the movies. If the employee was obviously disgruntled, it may not come as a surprise that they make their exit in a grandiose (and possibly disruptive) way. What if the resignation is coming from one of your top performers? When the resignation letter hits your desk, were you prepared for it? About a month ago, CNN Money came [...]

607, 2015

The Case for Paid Maternity Leave

By |July 6, 2015|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation, Rewards & Benefits|

Did you know?  [tweetthis]Among global rankings of maternity leave programs, the US sits very near the bottom.[/tweetthis]Nestled among the ranks of countries like Swaziland, Lesotho and Papua New Guinea, we are one of the few countries in the world that do not have paid maternity leave. From a new mother’s standpoint, it seems incongruent to the costs of having a new baby, the critical bonding time, and the need for stable finances during this hectic time. From a business standpoint, there are some major advantages to joining the ranks of the 16% of US companies that do offer paid maternity leave. Some of these include [...]

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