703, 2016

Analyzing the Applicant: Employment Gaps, Education, and Self-Discovery

By |March 7, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, Talent Search & Recruitment|

The struggle to find the perfect fit for your organization, whether it be in the warehouse shipping packages or greeting customers at the front desk or the top sales executive, can be intense and exhausting for everyone involved. The struggle is very real to recruit top talent that not only has the skills, knowledge, and experience required to succeed in the position but is also the right fit for your company culture. The perfect candidate for the leading pharmaceutical sales company nationwide will not be the same ideal applicant for a high-end boutique hospitality resort and spa. The characteristics that [...]

403, 2016

Two Benefits Never to Put on the Chopping Block

By |March 4, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, Rewards & Benefits|

As we get settled into 2016, there are a few things employers need to know about benefits. First, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) is alive and well.  Required notices to employees are different if employer-sponsored health plans are offered. Watch out, the details are many and tricky at best, and the potential for litigation abounds if employers are not following the rules. But, there’s good news! We have an inside scoop on what your employers want to see in their benefits package, and a few ideas on how to make it happen. First, do not get rid of vision and [...]

203, 2016

Thought Leaders #5: Creating a Company Culture of Doing the Right Thing

By |March 2, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

“Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.” – C.S. Lewis   Doing the right thing. It’s something we teach our children in school, and a lesson we hope is learned by the time young adults enter the business world. But in the world of work, where do people draw the line between right and wrong? How do we build a culture in our own organizations of doing the right thing, setting a positive example, and practicing integrity and ethical behavior?   Professor Chris MacDonald teaches ethics courses at Ryerson University’s School of Management in Toronto, [...]

2902, 2016

Thought Leaders Series #4: Social Recruiting & Local Talent

By |February 29, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, Talent Search & Recruitment|

As discussed in the previous few posts, SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management) issued a special edition of their HR Magazine earlier this year, featuring the world’s top experts on a variety of human resources topics. Today, we are going to take a look at the ways in which social media are changing recruitment across the world and how this phenomenon affects local talent and ultimately, your business. So, let’s jump in and take a look at what Danielle Monaghan, head of talent acquisition at @Amazon in Seattle, has to say about the coming trends. Global recruitment takes on a [...]

2602, 2016

Thought Leaders Series #3: Three Priorities for New OT Rules

By |February 26, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation, Rewards & Benefits|

The Department of Labor (DOL) decided to shake things up a bit by issuing proposed overtime law changes for 2016. Back in June 2015 when the news hit, many human resources departments struggled with how this would change their current process and procedures for exempt vs. nonexempt employees. As many of us know, incorrectly classifying employees as exempt or nonexempt can lead to costly litigation and fines for employers. With the changing overtime rules, HR departments and upper management should all be aware and knowledgeable of this particular area of employment law. Basically, the DOL plans to more than double [...]

2402, 2016

Thought Leaders Series #2: Relationship Management

By |February 24, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

Job hopping has become the norm, and loyalty to one company for the entirety of your career is rare. So how do CEO’s stay on top of the game and maintain strong relationships with their employees throughout the dynamics of employees coming and going? Ellen Galinsky, co-founder of the Families and Work Institute (FWI) in New York City, contributed to the January 2016 edition of HR Magazine to weigh in on this heavy topic. Here are her four suggestions for how leaders can stay in control of relationship management in the workplace. Flexibility is no longer a perk, it’s something [...]

2202, 2016

Thought Leaders Series #1: Leadership & Navigation

By |February 22, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

In order to build high-functioning, efficient, successful teams in the workplace, we must first identify examples of what this looks like and then, to put it simply, copy and paste! According to leadership thought leader @MarcusBuckingham, “HR professionals are in a prime position to assess what the most productive and engaged teams are doing – and to build a culture around them.” Following the lead of those who have already successfully implemented the type of culture and successful team approach that you are seeking is much easier than reinventing the wheel entirely. So, here are four steps to help you [...]

1902, 2016

GINA & Wellness Plans in the Workplace

By |February 19, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, Rewards & Benefits|

  The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) prohibits employment discrimination based on genetic information, which covers a broad spectrum of variables from participation in genetic testing to a disease or disorder in an individual’s family to the results of genetic testing. Because some employers have introduced wellness plans as part of a larger effort to promote healthy lifestyles among employees, GINA comes into play because of the protected information that may be asked of employees or spouses of employees upon enrolling in a wellness program. So what does this all mean for you as an employer?   First, wellness programs [...]

1602, 2016

Strengthening Your Soft Skills in Business

By |February 16, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, Learning & Development|

  Empathy is defined as “the psychological identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another.” (@Dictionarycom) When we think of our workplace colleagues at crunch time when the deadlines are looming over our heads, empathy is probably not the first characteristic that comes to mind. However, studies show that soft skills are in fact a critical piece of the leadership puzzle. According to @Entrepreneur, empathy is especially important to an entrepreneur’s success in business. Peoplescape has had the honor of working with several start-ups and entrepreneurs across industry lines. The one thing these leaders have [...]

1502, 2016

Key Predictions in HR for 2016: People, Leaders, and Apps

By |February 15, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

Recently, we discussed the Bersin by Deloitte predictions for human resources trends in 2016 in our PINPOINT Newsletter at www.peoplescapehr.com/blog. To check out the complete list of predictions, make sure you visit that newsletter archive. At Peoplescape, we thrive on challenges, and are looking forward to how people, leaders, and apps will impact human resources functions across the board. Here, let’s take a closer look at these three areas for the future of HR in 2016. People Management Performance management has been a topic of contention for the past year, as companies look to move away from the standard numbers [...]

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