201, 2017

Company Branding & Recruitment Strategies: Are you Targeting Stars?

By |January 2, 2017|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, Talent Search & Recruitment|

We’ve blogged before about company branding and recruitment strategies, but as we come into the new year, we wanted to share some fresh ideas with all of you. Here is a basic outline approach to how you can tackle #branding and #recruiting in #2017 to make sure that you target the stars in your field.   Ask yourself “How is my company going to get the sources to achieve our goal for branding? How are we going to achieve this transformation?” Whether you are looking to change up the feel of your company culture, or put a new image out [...]

2912, 2016

Top 10 JOBS for 2016: This Could be YOU in 2017

By |December 29, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

“Since all companies have an online presence these days, they all need people who know how to build online and mobile platforms,” he said. “In addition, they need technical people who can manage and store data that helps them make better business decisions, compared to years ago when businesses didn’t have data management at their fingertips to review and analyze. I expect these jobs to continue to be hot and in-demand for several years to come.” Andrew Chamberlain, Chief Economist, Glassdoor The top ten jobs as identified by Glassdoor’s survey include what the base salary is, as well as the [...]

2012, 2016

Total Rewards: What Speaks to Your Employees?

By |December 20, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, Rewards & Benefits|

When coming up with a total rewards plan for your organization, make sure you consider several things. You want to make sure that you are offering your employees things that they really want. A great way to find out what this might be is to conduct an employee survey, assess your company culture, and find out what makes your employees happy. Not all rewards will motivate all employees in a similar way, but by examining the workforce you are employing, and taking a survey of what makes them feel valued, you can make the right steps in the coming year [...]

812, 2016

Can Using Employee Self-Assessments in December Ward Off Resignations in January?

By |December 8, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, Surveys & Assessments|

Did you know that January is the most popular month for considering a job change? After the year-end bonuses and year-end reviews are complete, employees start to look at their options a little more closely. Of course, there’s questioning from many organizations today surrounding the use of performance reviews at all (which we’ve blogged about previously here: https://peoplescapehr.com/are-performance-reviews-on-the-way-out/). But, if your organization does use performance reviews, then we’d like to suggest that an employee self-assessment could uncover some of the issues leading employees to look elsewhere for employment after the beginning of the new year. From an employee point-of-view, what [...]

512, 2016

Education vs. Experience: What’s More Valuable?

By |December 5, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, Talent Search & Recruitment|

“Historically here, there’s been a tremendous amount of weight that’s been given to four-year university degrees and not nearly enough weight in my opinion is given to vocational training facilities and vocational training certifications.” Jeffrey Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn Corp. Does your organization require all job applicants to have a Bachelor’s degree in order to be considered for a vacant position? Will an applicant be considered without a degree if they have extensive experience and a successful track record in a similar role? How much weight do you personally (as a hiring manager) put on a candidate’s educational background? [...]

212, 2016

Overtime Rule Blocked – What Does This Mean for Employers?

By |December 2, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

  Employers will be happy to know that (at least for now!) a federal judge in Texas has blocked the overtime rule passed by President Obama that would have required employers to raise salaries or convert many exempt employees to non-exempt status. The Texas judge has issued a nationwide preliminary injunction, essentially halting the rule until a decision is made. As a refresher, this is the overtime rule that raises the salary test for Administrative, Executive, and Professional employees to qualify for exemption from overtime pay under federal law to $913.00 per week or $47,476.00 per year. The preliminary injunction [...]

112, 2016

When Millennials are Managers: How Does This Affect the Older Generation at Work?

By |December 1, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

As we have seen a shift in many businesses from a promotional system based on seniority (aka you’ve been here 20 years so you now become a manager…even though you have zero leadership skills or training on how to actually manager people) to one based on merit (aka you’ve done well at your current position and show the ability to lead a team, so we are making you assistant manager of your department). But how does this affect the multi-generational workforce when a 25-year-old employee who’s been with your company for less than a year is now managing a staff [...]

2811, 2016

New Laws & Updates for 2017: What You Need to Know

By |November 28, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

  Restroom Facilities: Requires restroom facilities with one toilet and/or urinal and one sink, with a door that the user can lock from the inside to be designated as an all gender toilet facility. (AB 1732) Minimum Wage: As of January 1, 2017 employers with 26 or more employees will be required to pay at least $10.50 per hour. (SB 3) OSHA Reporting: The new rule (effective January 1, 2017) requires certain employers to electronically submit injury and illness data that they are already required to input on their OSHA on-site forms. […]

1611, 2016

Post-Election Reflections: Conformity and Leadership

By |November 16, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

“Throughout our careers, we are taught to conform — to the status quo, to the opinions and behaviors of others, and to information that supports our views. The pressure only grows as we climb the organizational ladder.” – Francesca Gino, Harvard Business Review Conformity. It’s a word that incites feelings in most of us…good or bad, happy or sad. For some of those millennials you may have seen rioting after the election results came in, conformity is not something that they take lightly. Each generation views rules and regulations a bit differently, and I think this election really brought out [...]

2410, 2016

Holiday Hiring: What You Need to Know

By |October 24, 2016|Blogs, Frontpage Articles|

    “According to the National Retail Federation, retail sales in the U.S. during the months of November and December are expected to increase 3.6% (in the 600 billion dollar range!) and online sales are expected to increase between 7-10% from 2015 sales.” – Glassdoor If you are a retailer, or if you do business near retailers, then you probably see this huge jump in the next two months year after year…the holiday shopping crazy has begun! For any of our readers who do work in this field, we wanted to give some quick tips for how to boost your [...]

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