1210, 2015

Chipotle’s Big Day

By |October 12, 2015|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

Job fairs are one way that employers attempt to lure in a large number of applicants all in one shot. Chipotle took this idea to another level when they decided to hire 4,000 employees in one day! Chipotle set aside time on September 9, 2015 (by opening early at each location) to hopefully hire 60 new employees at each location. This would increase their employee pool by almost 7%. While this may seem like the easy way out, is it really that simple? And what is the product – quality candidates or just a large number of candidates? From a [...]

810, 2015

What Can Social Media Do For Your Selection Process

By |October 8, 2015|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Technology, Talent Search & Recruitment|

When meeting new people, whether in social settings or professional meetings or conferences, instead of asking for business cards or phone numbers, we’re seeing a new trend. “What’s your LinkedIn profile?” or “What’s your IG?” These social media avenues have become a personal stamp or signature, putting our own personal brand into the mix of celebrities, companies, and products. Of course, it makes sense then that companies would use social media to target new superstars to join their organization. But like with any new technology tool, companies must be careful with how they use social media for recruitment. It’s critical [...]

510, 2015

The Mindfulness Movement: Finding Your Zen in the Office

By |October 5, 2015|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

Her lunch break consists of pulling on a pair of colorful leggings, some running shoes and a tank, then heading two blocks up the street for her daily dose of zen. His quiet place on the way home from work is next door to the coffee shop he used to frequent for his twice-a-day cup of joe. Her evening activities went from drinks with friends to quiet reflection in a room designated for nothing but thoughts. The mindfulness movement is sweeping the nation, from yoga classes to meditation to tai chi massage, as Americans are taking a different approach to [...]

2809, 2015

Bust a Move!!! Those Magic Mike Dancers are Causing Quite a Stir in Court!! Are They Exempt or Not?

By |September 28, 2015|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

Anyone seen Magic Mike… or more recently Magic Mike XL? Maybe it’s just the woman in me, but I would say those moves are pretty creative! Apparently, District Judge Thomas W. Thrash Jr., doesn’t share my same enthusiasm for the arts. Haha!  So...is Magic Mike exempt...or not? [tweetthis]Magic Mike: Exempt or Not? Depends on your definition of Creative Professional...[/tweetthis] Currently under the Fair Labor Standards Act, a class of employees known as Creative Professionals are exempt from overtime and other protections.  The official description of a Creative Professional: To qualify as a “creative professional,” an employee must be (i) compensated [...]

2409, 2015

How to Equip Yourself to “Employer-Parent” Talented Millennials

By |September 24, 2015|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation, Talent Management|

You know who they are. The one with his ear buds permanently attached to his ears, or the girl with twelve pieces of jewelry on her right ear alone who refuses to wear what you consider to be "business casual" attire.  Or maybe it's the nerdy guy with glasses and messy hair whose face you've never really seen because he's always in front of his computer or cell phone; never separated from his tools of technology for even a moment while at work. Oh, and they are always late or right on time. Whatever happened to being on time and [...]

1709, 2015

Expert Value: Finding the Stars

By |September 17, 2015|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, Talent Search & Recruitment|

As the global economy becomes more and more dependent on technology and innovation, companies must look at their talent and determine the expert value in each of their employees. Finding the stars and creating an environment that your experts want to be a part of is a challenge that every employer must face in today’s fast-paced digital world. Many specialized professionals (i.e. scientists, engineers, doctors, accountants) are more interested in developing their own professional expertise than in finding a management career track. Forcing natural experts into management career paths goes against the success of their own personal career goals. Instead [...]

1509, 2015

Difficult Yet Talented Employees: Troublemakers Unite!

By |September 15, 2015|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, Talent Management|

Are the most talented employees in your workplace also the most difficult to deal with? Different employees will require engagement criteria that works for his or her individual personality – it’s not a one size fits all solution. So how can you identify what engagement criteria will work for those talented yet difficult employees? Job suitability assessments are one way, and lucky for you, Peoplescape consultants are skilled at analyzing the data provided by such tools. Also, looking at an employee’s generational profile can tell you a lot about what their needs will be in order to keep them engaged [...]

1209, 2015


By |September 12, 2015|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, HR Advisory & Facilitation|

“Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.” – Steve Maraboli Resilience is the ability of people to cope with stress and hard times, and then bounce back quickly.  When you think of the word “resilient” do certain faces come to mind? What trials have those people been through, only to end up more successful in the long run? Not only do they survive, they do it with a smile on their face, and a bigger paycheck when all is said and done. Do you know who I’m talking about? Ok, good. Now let’s talk [...]

1009, 2015

Emotional Intelligence and New Hires

By |September 10, 2015|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, Surveys & Assessments, Talent Search & Recruitment|

Personality tests and skills-based competencies have been a part of recruiting and hiring decisions for quite some time now, but are you considering the Emotional Intelligence (EI) of your potential hires? According to Bamboo HR, 1 in 3 HR Managers are placing increased importance on EI in their hiring decisions. Is your organization part of that 1 in 3? I know you’re probably thinking… [tweetthis]Emotional Intelligence – What is it and why does it matter?[/tweetthis] […]

809, 2015

Case Study: Employee Surveys and Focus Groups

By |September 8, 2015|Blogs, Frontpage Articles, Surveys & Assessments|

Employee “caretaking” is a crucial, though often overlooked aspect of personnel management. At Peoplescape, we are always “team employer” but we also know that having compassion and a strong desire for employees to succeed is a core value in most successful organizations.  Employees who work efficiently, have opportunity for growth and feel they are treated fairly are the strongest assets to the employer, and our goal is to partner with our business clients to ensure their workplaces are as happy as can be! We conduct workshops on a wide variety of training topics including new hire orientation and onboarding procedures, [...]

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