“Piglet noticed that even though he had a very small heart, he could hold a rather large amount of gratitude.” – Winnie the Pooh

Thanksgiving is a time for all of us to sit back and evaluate what we are grateful for. In America, this holiday has a competing message because of the history behind it. But let’s put that aside for a moment and concentrate on what truly matters. Let’s Give Thanks! What are you thankful for in your life? Of course, family and friends should top the list! But what about your job? Are you thankful for your workplace? Are you thankful for your co-workers and team leaders? What about your boss? Creating a culture of gratitude at your work, in which every employee recognizes the successes of one another, can go a long way to team-building at your organization. In honor of Thanksgiving, here’s a quick bit about how to do that in your own workplace.

1. Start at the top – if the boss is thanking his employees for a job well done, chances are the employees will follow that trend. Be a leader in expressing gratitude!

2.  Thank those who usually get overlooked – Make sure the mail clerk and the receptionist and the guys in the warehouse get thanked for their job too, not just the top salesman in the company!

3. Quality gratitude, not quantity thanks – Sincere thankfulness can be seen and heard, don’t fake it!

4. Get creative and provide opportunities for thanks – Consider a “gratitude wall” or bulletin board where co-workers can write a nice note about someone they work with, allowing for a public recognition of their gratitude.

5. Lean on gratitude in times of stress or change in the workplace. Making everyone feel appreciated is key to keeping things calm in a storm.

Happy Thanksgiving from the team at Peoplescape to all of our lovely blog followers, clients, colleagues, and friends!

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