Being a manager has its perks: you call the shots, you say who takes vacation and you get first dibs on the coffee and potluck goodies (I kid). But, what about the downsides of being the boss? There are definitely tough situations that require you to be objective, fair, efficient, and inspiring. But you have to balance all of that with being a leader, not a friend. And you also should try to be a manager that people want to work with and can learn from. It’s a tall order, right? You know that your friends here at Peoplescape aim to make life as a manager of people easier for you with helpful tips and tricks along the way. So without further adieu, here are the top ways to make sure you are leading your team effectively and setting a positive example for your employees.

  1. Share the praise, but also take the blame. When things go wrong, own it. Setting a positive example as a leader of the team, and taking the good with the bad, is a great way to guide your employees to do the same. Honesty and accountability make for a great collaborative work environment.
  2. If you want them to be creative, show your innovative side. If you want them to be responsible and show up to work on time, make a point to be the first one in and the last one out the door. Be what you want them to be. Monkey see, monkey do. Unlike the age old parenting phrase of “Do as I say not as I do,” your employees are looking to you for the example of how they should behave, and you set the bar. Set it high!
  3. Be kind. So easy to say, but not always the easiest thing in the world to do! Kindness can go a long way, and the benefits you will reap as a manager when you are kind to your employees, when you guide them and lead them and walk alongside them – those benefits will be huge in terms of employee productivity, loyalty, and engagement.


One quick tip that may help with all of these is to replace the word “BUT” with the word “AND” when at all possible. Instead of saying that an employee is doing well in all areas but communication, suggest that you and the employee can work together on communication. In this example, you as the manager are taking responsibility, being kind and setting an example of how you would like to see this employee act. Three birds, one stone! Happy manager, happy employee!

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